Allies for America

We are Allies for America. 13 million green card-holding, tax-paying, child-rearing, job-doing, loving, legal permanent residents in America. Our home. 13 million who deeply care about American democracy. 13 million who cannot vote. But 13 million who can participate in democracy. Allies for America, Unite! The stakes are too high. We are here to help our American friends vote. We will find the mailbox. Mark the deadlines. Read the fine print. Lick the stamps. Hold hands. Babysit. Get gas. Drive you to the polls. We are Allies For America. 13 million. 2 months to go. One goal: get our American friends ready to vote!

What We Can Do

What We Can't Do

Can't Vote

It is illegal for green card holders to vote.

Do not try to register. Do not try to vote by email. Do not try to show up at the polls on Election Day.

Can't Influence

It is illegal to influence voters.

We can have friendly passionate conversation about politics with friends, but we can't influence their vote when comes the time to cast it.

But we
Can Help

Not having the right to vote makes us all the more appreciative of why it matters and what this election represents to everyone.


Allies for America is a nonpartisan initiative that focuses on helping American citizens exercise their right to vote. Not having the right to vote makes us all the more appreciative of why it matters and what this election represents to everyone.